Friday, September 21, 2018

8A Solving the Problem

My opportunity would be pre staging and pre planning aid for residents in areas potentially affected by hurricanes much like the Red Cross but my service would be quicker. The main grief about the previous systems in place is that they are slow and it takes a while after the storm has past in order to get relief to those that need it. Granted there are safety constraints in mind but if you plan ahead enough these can be easily accounted for.  I plan to sell the vital supplies to customers in hurricane affected areas with speed and coverage better than any other. People both before and after hurricanes are willing to pay for safety so if we can provide that and still keep our morals without  being price gouging or terrible humans there is opportunity to cash in. Before the storm bringing in wood and sand bags for prep and generators and such all before the storm even hits from outside areas for re sale and after the storm bottle dealer and warm food would be good sellers to those affected by the storm.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emory! I think your opportunity has a lot of potential and is definitely there for coastal areas who are often effected by hurricanes. I am a bit confused on how your service would be different than how people currently prepare for hurricanes. There are already ways for people to prepare their homes in this way, but if your idea is a service where professionals come in and do it for them I think that could really have some potential! Good job!
