Friday, September 21, 2018

7A Testing the Hypothesis
 Providing Hurricane aid to the victims and awareness in the communities potentially affected by hurricanes are great problems and opportunities for entrepreneurs.
Who: People potentially affected by hurricanes and the people that are affected afterwards
What: Distribution of aid to hurricane victims and knowledge of storms to residents
Why: Natural Disasters create times of panic in everyone and are very stressful and difficult to get ahold of people.

In a post hurricane situation there are in fact different levels of need by the residents, in general some have lost it all and some may have only some debris in their yard but are all looking for help. A way to speed up the distribution of both aid and knowledge to residents in an affected area would be a great help. Many people become frustrated in these situations purely out of lack of communication and planning in these terrible situations.

Due to me doing some previous research on this topic and just growing up in Florida I am pretty familiar with the all too common topic of hurricanes.  I chose to speak to three different types of people for my interviews and found very similar results from each type of group. Group one was younger, college age maybe a little older students, group two was middle age people with families and group three was older retired people. The youngest of the groups hadn't lived through any hurricanes as adults and don't really know all that goes into preparing a family to ride out a natural disaster. they were supportive of my ideas of rapid aid and planning ahead but didn't have the real world knowledge of who exactly needed it and how to go about it. The middle age people were much more help in terms or learning about the situations as they had lived through multiple storms as adults, both with and without kids. They said that it was a very stressful time in their lives and one of the hardest things they had to go through. One person I talked to had actually lost his shed in a hurricane and knows the headache of dealing with the iAd and relief programs.They really liked the idea of better communication from government to the people in a community and that having aid pre staged in relief areas would lessen the burden of bringing all of the aid in after the fact rather than preparing a little more ahead of time. And the older people were a bit more skeptical of my ideas, they liked to shoot holes through my plans much as if "back in their day" they didn't need it then why do we need it now. I tired to explain to them that things are much different now and that people as a whole are nowhere near as resourceful as they were and a frankly don't stand a chance. By the ned of my talk with them they came around and were in fact in support of my ideas saying that they were solutions to complaints that they could see having.

I now know that my opportunity is still ij fact there and that I can even branch off of my opportunity depending on the age group and relief that I depend on targeting. Based on a persons age I can narrow in The Who to find out what they are really looking for.

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