Friday, September 7, 2018

2A Bug List

1. People in Gainesville drive like idiots.
    Why: Gainesville is a very busy and congested area filled with impatient people and lots of college students who are usually distracted or not paying attention.

2. My wifi likes to cut out at random times in the day requiring me to restart it. 
    Why: Only reason I can think of is that there is either a loose connection somewhere or that the bandwidth of the internet is used up during the day and causes me to be kicked off.

3. My phone doesn't work around campus on game days.
    Why: So many people come to such a small area that the cell towers get overloaded and the cellular connection simply can't keep up. 

4.People don't use their turn signals in traffic.
   Why: People either forget or think they don't need to tell anyone what they are doing and that they own the road. 

5. When amazon says your package is supposed to be delivered today but it takes an extra day. 
    Why: A simple miscommunication or deny in the sipping process can easily make a package miss its stop. 

6.When people hound you for not answering your phone when they call but never answer when you call them.
   Why: Sometimes people may be genuinely busy but they don't realize that you may be busy as well.

7.People that don't hold the door for others or pick something up for people.
   Why: People sometimes truly don't see a person needing help but some people are just rude and don't feel its necessary to help others. 

8. People being hung up on little stuff in the past.
   Why: People are scared to move on and live life to the fullest, life is in. fact what you make it. 

9.The chik fila in the Hub not having lemonade. 
   Why: UF is a Pepsi school and I guess lemonade is something that has to be made that can't just be trucked in.

10. The amount of time it takes for a pub sub to be made.
     Why: They use a single station preparation system rather than a pass it down assembly line style like subway. 

11. When people walk three wide on the sidewalk then act inconvenienced when I pass them.
    Why: Some people are inconsiderate and think they are entitled to everything.

12. The battery life on my iPhone greatly bugs me.
    Why: My phone will just sit and think and just burn battery, also over time the batteries degrade forcing you to get a new phone. 

13. When you are in a grocery store and 75% of the lanes are closed and there are long lines. 
     Why: This bug exists because grocery stores are often understaffed or the employees are working in other areas of the store and don't realize the backup. 

14. It bugs me when people order food at a restaurant while on the phone. 
    Why: Some people  are just not as considerate as others and feel the idea that they are better than others.

15.The poor wifi and spotty service on campus really bugs me.
    Why: Dated servers and lots of devices connected at once cause the internet to be poor. 

16.  People failing to tip those that provide a service or are in a generally understood tip industry.
    Why: Some people are just stingy with their money and don't like to share, others are just uneducated or ignorant to the problem. 

17. The idea that if you do something for someone you must receive something in return. 
   Why: Some people are raised with different or without morals and they feel that they must be rewarded for any actions. 

18. When people just throw an item back on the shelf wherever they please, not putting it back properly or giving it to the cashier.
   Why: People are just lazy and don't care about the person that has to make sure the shelves are tidy at the end of the day. 

19. Another thing that bugs me is people that ride in the left lane when there is no traffic in the other lanes and clog up traffic.
  Why: People aren't aware of the rules of the road or simply don't care.

20. When your coworkers do the same tasks at work as you do but are paid more an hour than you.
   Why: Not as qualified on paper or are officially listed as another title in the company. 

To me it was a little difficult to type out 20 things that bug me, a few of them sounded like greatly personal problems that were no where near as hard as what other people are facing on a daily basis in other parts of the world. For the most part any problems that I face are minuscule compares to the things that others suffer on a daily basis.  To me finding true difficult things to deal with that bugged was actually hard.


  1. I thought your bug list was very thorough and each explanation has a lot of detail. I was able to relate to some of the struggles that you go through on a daily basis. Two of the bugs I related the most to were the grocery store one and the battery life. Even though these bugs are small in the grand scheme of things this are things that a lot of people can relate to.

  2. Emory, while reading through your blog list I related to many of the bugs you shared! My wifi as well loves to cut out at certain times! As well as the people walking on the sidewalk bug! Although that had never been brought to my attention before this! Although these may seem that they don’t make a huge difference, they must bother many people as I can easily relate to both!

  3. Hi Emory! Overall, I think your bug list made a lot of sense and I related to so many of the bugs you had on there. I also wrote about bad Gainesville drivers (especially when it comes to roundabouts) and totally agree about being upset when people don't tip their waitresses/bartenders etc. I bartended one semester and it really taught me to tip extra well because some people don't at all. I agree that these are very small "bugs" when there are so many other problems in the world but they are still so relatable to so many people. Great job!

  4. Hi Emory, after going through your bug lists I found there are soem funny bugs which I did not notice. For example, I did not notice that the chick fli a does not offer lemenade. Personally, I agree with you that the chick fli a should offer the lemnade for students which could provide more choices for us. Also, I found some bugs I would like to point out.For example, the apple battery is a serious problem for me as the iphone always shut down without notice.

  5. Hi Emory! After reading your bug list, I noticed that we had many bugs in common! For example we both had the bug that people are hung up on from things in the past. Also you had a lot of things I agree with such as battery life, and why people in Gainesville drive like they have never drove a car before or do not use their signal lights. You had just one that i thought was funny; the one about why the Chick Fil A in the hub does not sell lemonade. I can see why it could be frustrating, I just thought it was funny. Your bugs were exremely relatable to me.
