Friday, September 14, 2018

5A Identifying Local Opportunites

Opportunity #1

  1. Cedar Key holds coastal cleanup event Saturday
  3. In this article it briefly talks about a trash cleanup up event being held in Cedar Key in order to remove trash from the local shorelines both by foot and by kayak/boat. It gives details of what volunteers should expect and wear in order to help in the volunteer trans pickup. 
  4. In this story we are made aware of the trash problem and how difficult it is in order to remove the trash from the environment. Also they talk about the expanse of  the area to be cleaned up, the only reward the volunteers receive is exploring the museum and St. Clair  Whitman house free of charge. 
  5. In order to get a better turn out and do more good for the environment, I think that if you made the trash clean up event into a family friendly fun day in the town of Cedar Key with local businesses and vendors involved would not only benefit the environment but the local economy  as well. The entire town and the environment has the problem of the trash in the water and shorelines, drawing the economy down and harming wildlife. 
Opportunity #2
  1. Gators in-progress OL to start same five
  3. In this story, they talk about the current plans for the UF football team moving forward from the loss at home against Kentucky. It is mentioned that many people are questioning the choice of leaving the same starters but the players need to learn it, live it and do it in order to be the best that they can be. 
  4. The problem within the story is that the football team is young and inexperienced without many players returning from last year and a lack of leadership. The article also mentions that Coach Dan Mullens says that consistent work ethic appears the be a struggle as well. 
  5. The problem exists within the Football team offensive line and the coaching staff. Without a properly functioning offensive line it makes it hard for everyone else on the football team t do their job and makes the look bad. 
Opportunity #3
  1. Bob's River Place applying for permits in dispute with water district
  3. In this article, they talk about what Bobs River Place is about and what they do, it is a local hangout spot on the Suwannee river where they have rope swings and water slides. It is a very popular spot on the river and has run into a little trouble with the water management district in regards to their structures in the water and their permits to operate commercially.
  4. The problem in the story is that Bobs river place has submitted all of the necessary paper work according to the own er to be able to run his business on the river but not everything had been documented properly and the time for all the permits to clear is taking longer than expected. 
  5. The problem exists for Bob the owner of Bob river place as he lacks the necessary permits to operate his river place legally in the sate of Florida. He doesn't have the proper permits to charge people money to park and also doesn't have the proper permits on his floatings docks and structure in the water. The structures in the water have to be cleared through the water management district in order to ensure that they are not obstructing the flow of the river an its animals. 
Opportunity #4
  1. City to explore open-container law for UF game days.
  3. This article talks about the City of Gainesville and the University of Florida looking into altering the open container laws around the university to eliminate some of the gray areas as to where university and city property meet. Also there was talk of soft closing times of the bars around the campus. A soft closing idea would lessen the great mass of people pouring out of the bars at 2am and lead to less altercations and strain on police officials. With these changes there are other changes around the community that ned to be looked into as well like transportation and police presence. 
  4. The problem in the story is the current open container laws around campus on game days and the fact that you can't have your drink out when passing from tailgate to tailgate without potentially getting in trouble. Additionally there is another question of whether or not the bars should implement a soft closing time to allow a greater time for people to leave the bars rather that a Great Wall of drunk people leaving at once. 
  5. The problem lies within multiple places, the police might further burdened by all the extra alcohol that will be consumed on game day if you can have it out and about wherever. The potential for more arrests and altercations on game day is definitely there. The bar owners also have problem as they could make more money if the bars were allowed to be open a little later and the drunker people are probably willing to spend more money. The problems arise for both parties in the potential new changes. 
Opportunity #5
  1. Remembering Irma: A year ago Tuesday, the hurricane hit
  3. This story re caps the tragic event that evoked havoc on our state, hurricane irma. We were lucky enough not to receive the full but of the storm but we did experience power outages and lots of standing water. It goes on to say that if the storm were to have come on shore at cedar key or yankee town the damage in Marion and Alachua counties would have been like the destruction similar to that of Hurricane Charley.
  4. The problem presented in the story is how to deal with hurricane aftermath and the problems presented afterwards, hurricanes are a huge event for an area and leads to times of high stress levels.
  5. The problem is evident to everyone in an area affected by a great storm, everyone becomes equal when you have nothing. The key to doing well in a storm is preparation and safety, yeah the situation sucks but if you are prepared and safe and dry it sucks a whole lot less.


  1. Hey Emory!

    I really think your best opportunity is the one about cleaning up Cedar Key. I think if you were able to find a way to motivate people to go out and clean more that would be an excellent opportunity. The problem with open container laws however, I am not sure is the best opportunity. I absolutely agree that it is a problem and that it is something that needs to be worked out but I am not sure there is an entrepreneurial solution. It seems more like something that you could help change by voting or speaking up but I am not sure there is something that could be provided to solve the problem. Overall though, great job at recognizing these problems!

  2. I like the story you picked about drinks being carried around on gameday, particularly because it's relevant to anyone at UF. I agree with you that allowing open containers would be troublesome not only because you would have to deal with more drunk people, but also because there would likely be a substantial amount of litter scattered around campus after games.

  3. Two of the opportunities that you presented stood out to me. Cedars Key and Hurricane Irma both have good opportunities. On one side you have cedars key with the trash problem. There is a lot of pollution that is going on right now and we definitely need a permanent solution. Every year as hurricane season approaches there needs to be a better protocol in place for the aftermath of the storms.

  4. Hi Emory! I loved all of your opportunities. I really see an entrepreneurial opportunity in your first and fifth ones. I think people could make the trash clean up more fun by adding food trucks or other incentives to get people and families to participate. With the hurricane Irma article it really reminds people of the importance of preparing for hurricanes and hurricane-proofing their homes. There is a huge entrepreneurial opportunity here. Overall, you made some great points and saw some opportunities others may have looked over! I think some ways you could improve is just by double checking your spelling/grammar and using more professional wording here and there.

  5. Hey Emory, All of the opportunities you brought up are great! I also brought up the problem of hurricanes as it was prevalent in many local news reports! There is many problems to fix with helping people bot entrepreneurial and philanthropically. I also brought up the same opportunity with a different story about trash cleanups on local shorelines, being another great cause to help fix for the greater good of people.
