Friday, September 7, 2018

3A My Entrepreneurship Story

For me my entrepreneurship story started a few years ago when my passion for modifying my truck began. I wanted all the cool modifications to be done to my truck but since I was a teen with no real job I couldn't afford it all to be done by a shop or others. So I learned how to do it all myself and my friends caught on. They saw that I could do the cool stuff they wanted like speaker installs, paintwork or custom enclosures and soon I had a little side gig. I realized what I had here and soon turned it into a little business, id do some work for my friends and they would tell their friends, the money I made doing that I would roll back into my truck for cool stuff to further promote my business and keep one-upping everyone.  I used what little business skills I had to pay for my modifications to my truck but also to make new friends and help out buddies too. 

I enrolled in ENT3003 to just sample the official and textual side of entrepreneurship, everyone has their own idea of what entrepreneurship is and I just want to learn more about it as a whole. I hope to learn about different ways of entrepreneurship and how I can apply it to my life. 

Below is one of the custom speaker boxes I built for a buddy.


  1. I think that is really awesome that you were able to start up a sort of small business just from being interested in something. Your story sounds exactly like what we have been learning about in class. You did not go looking to sell stuff to people, the need simply came-about. I completely understand your reasoning for taking this class. I also wanted to take this class to find out how to use entrepreneurship in my life not just necessarily in regards to a business idea. Also that is a really nice speaker box!

  2. Hey Emory, I really admire your motivation and dedication to the entrepreneurship process. I also like how you saw a need for something, you wanting to put modifications on your car and taking the opportunity into your own hands to improve. This class seems like a good fit to help you with your business skills.

  3. Hi Emory,after reading the post you wrote I found that the entrepreneurship story of yours is pretty interesting. In your post, I noticed that you mentioned that you tried to modify your truck by yourself as a motivation, which highly attracts me. Also, I think the valuable and unique experiecnce could encourage yourself in the future when you face the same problem.
