Friday, September 14, 2018

6A Opportunities in Economic and Regulatory Trends

One economic opportunity I found was the opportunity to increase the activity of transactions between independent business markets.i found this opportunity on and with their given data and a little further research the opportunity is most certainly there if you can create a business or service to help in the independent business markets. To cater to the independent firms would allow you to gain the market and customer to allow them to sell their firm or gain help from other firms in the industry. With a simple way to bridge the gap between customers you could capitalize on the fact that "67 percent of the business transactions occur within only 16 percent of the market". (PR Newswire 2018) To me that sounds like good margins for expansion in the industry. I found this opportunity through a little research in  economic expansions, while it wasn't difficult to find I think others wouldn't like this idea because it sounds almost too easy. With some work and the right idea this is easily doable and a lucrative business venture.

Another opportunity I found was on the New York times website in the article entitled "Even in Better Times, Some Americans Seem Farther Behind. Here's Why." Studies listed in this article show gaps in the incomes and net worths of college students based on race. There is a serious gap between the income of a white college graduate and the income of a hispanic or black graduate and over the last few years the gap has began to grow. A good opportunity would be to find a way to bridge this gap, form a program to help blacks and hispanics get those higher paying jobs in order to keep up with the income and net worths of their white co workers. Blacks and Hispanics are in great need of something to help equal the score in the wage difference game and anything would help. This opportunity is easy to exploit because their isn't much out there right now. I saw the need after some research and with my previous research with differences in the workplace and economy I had seen the need before when looking at the statistics. Not everyone has seen it because many more are focused on the male vs female indifference not the one between races.

 One more regulatory change that I found was inside of Tesla. I learned about the changes inside of Tesla through the New York Times Article entitled, "Tesla needs to Build Investor Trust. The Exit of its Accountant Wont Help."  Tesla is definitely a very large and popular company and with the way the market is suggesting the move towards electric cars and sustainability it would be a smart decision to invest or get involved in a company that is leading the way. Anyone with the will power or financial means can get involved in order to boost the Tesla stocks and the business as a whole. The company may be a little difficult to exploit as some serious connections or capital are needed to make. big dent but if you were able the invest anything the returns are almost guaranteed. I saw the opportunity through the fact that when a company is down with a promise to return, that is the time to invest or get involved. The shares would be cheaper in the hard times and if you have the patience and confidence at the time you can win big. Most people don't have the confidence in a business so they are scared to invest that money or help that company but the brave ones get the rewards.  I see the possibility for opportunity  that is at hadn't that others may not electric is the future and now is the time to et involved.

Another regulatory change I found was the government cracking down on spoofing in the stock market. It is a common problem thee days in the stock market I learned about through reading an article in the New York Times entitled "The Governments New Strategy to Crack Down on Spoofing". If a way is found to alter the marketbut within the current regulations there is great opportunity to do well in the stock market. As spoofing is a way to bid on something with every intention of not going through with the deal. The futures market is often impacted by the spoofing so a way to get ahead can make your enterprise very promising.  Anyone currently in the stock market is always interested in a way to get ahead. it would indeed be difficult to find a way as many others are always login for the same niche or hot idea you are. This idea may be hard to exploit the more I think about it but if you were able to figure something out you would have it made. I saw the opportunity as a way to capitalize on a negative, if someone says you cant do this, you gotta find another way around it, something that has both helped me and hurt me in life. Sometimes for the better sometimes for the worse. I guess others could come in on my idea but not many have the drive and patience to keep working to find a solution.

1 comment:

  1. Typically in this class people look for opportunities involving ways to make money, but I really like that your second opportunity involves social benefits instead of monetary. Although closing the race wage gap would be difficult, I agree that it doesn't get the attention it deserves when compared to the gender wage gap.
