Friday, November 30, 2018

Reading Reflection No. 3

For the third reading reflection I looked at "How to fail at almost everything and still win big" by Scott Adams.  Throughout this book one thing sticks out to me, he is always telling you to be observant and look at the things around you. This makes alot of sense to me because that is a great way to learn. You truly can learn lots by slowing down and seeing whats going on without you. This class teaches you to keep persevering and learning from around which is the entire theme of this book. To design an assignment off of this book I would have students look around in their life and identify things where slowing down and looking would teach them things.  I was surprised in this book by just how much you can learn, and the improvements you can make to yourself by just being observant.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emory! I read this book for my second reading reflection, you did a great job picking out a big theme in the book! I think your assignment would be a good one and would allow students to get creative and think about things in their life in a different light. Great job and I'm glad you learned something from the book like I did!
