Friday, November 30, 2018

28A Your Exit Strategy

The exit plan that I plan to make would be to look into my potential venture further and plan on possibly making it into something. I have a real passion for my venture and feel that there is definite need for it in the real world. I think I would stay with the business and run it for a good while and retire off of it. Being local and able to be helped by the service would make me want to stay involved and not sell it off and lose touch. If my kids were willing they could in fact take over the business and provide for their kids with it. This exit strategy feels like the best option and has certain potential for expansion and real execution into the future. The exit strategy has allowed me to better mold my decisions and who I have reached out to learn more about my potential venture. I see things in both the long and short run points of view rather than just the short term for the class. This mindset has allowed me to better plan for the future.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Emory, I think your exit strategy was very fitting. For a business idea like yours it would be smart to stick around and be involved in the company and not sell it off. It would be awesome if it became a family owned business and your kids took over it one day whenever you retire. It is great that you are thinking of short term and long term opportunities to grow your business outside of this class.
