Friday, November 2, 2018

19A Idea Napkin No. 2

1)My name is Emory Allnutt and I am a junior here at the University of Florida. Talents of mine I would have to say would be my ability to talk to people and perseverance or determination. My aspirations are to be in a healthy relationship and stable job by the time I am in my late 20s. Looking at my business idea I could easily see this playing a huge role in my life if it were to come to real life. I am passionate about the subject and think it is a promising enterprise.
2) I am offering a pre storm preparation service as well as post storm aid to my customers. Customers in my area struggle in preparation for storms leading to more costly damage in the following weeks and once the storm has come through they struggle in order to get the relief they need. I serve as a preparation service and transport service.
3)I am offering my services to potential storm victims in the small coastal towns along the big bend. Both before and after the storm I am able to help them with storm damage prevention and cleanup. All my customers have in common the want and need to be impacted by storms as little as possible and the need to recover quickly.
4)Customers in my enterprise will be encouraged to purchase my services because there is a potential to spare their valuables from storm damage if they are properly secured before the storm hits. I am able to tie down and properly secure these items before the storm for a small fee. I am able to spare them from the potential grief of losing valuables so I think they would be willing to pay. And after the storm they are in need and willing to pay for convenience just like anyone, so I will make money of the transportation of post storm goods.
5)I am set apart from competitors by the fact I am local and fast, may times being local can earn you a sense of trust with the customer and makes them more likely to do business. the fact that the money is earned here and put back into the community here is a great trait. I like to think my people skills are another thing I have a leg up on the competition with.

I think that all these elements do in fat fit together and all build a nice promising business opportunity. I think I can improve on how to provide post storm aid without coming across as a price gouger that rides the coat tails of storms but rather a community friend here to help. I took away from my feedback that I need to be more specific in my ideas and to do a better job of planning on how to execute my ideas, so I tired to better outline what it is I'm doing and how to do that better.


  1. Hi Emory! I realize have a lot in common with you after reading your post! I also want a lot of the same things you mentioned in your first point, I think my idea (and yours) have great promise too. I think your business concept can not only save people's valuables, but their lives too. It is so important to protect your home during big storms and investing in your product can end up saving people a lot of money in the end for sure. Great post and great job evaluating yourself, the feedback you've received and the strengths of your plan.

  2. Hi Emory, I enjoyed reading your second idea napkin. You have a ton of great ideas that will be very beneficial to the people in harm's way of a potentially catastrophic storm. It is important to people to be able to protect their things in case of an evacuation so the service you are providing would help to put minds at ease. Great job on this post and using your feedback from the last idea napkin to strengthen your business.

  3. Hey Emory, I felt like I learned a lot about you and your business idea through this idea napkin. I believe you have a good business concept that can save peoples valuables and homes and even the lives of many people in the future. Storms have caused so much damage and I believe there needs to be a way to prevent them from so destructive. I think you took in the feedback you received and used it in this post, great job!
