Friday, November 16, 2018

23A Your Venture's Unfair Advantage

Resources in my venture:
-knowledge of hurricanes and effects
-familiarity of customer base in area
-knowledge and tools to prepare for storms
-contacts in the area
-actual storm aid and resources
-contacts I have made through past assignments
-personal contact and trust of customers
-ability to save peoples houses
-financial backing of previous work
-workers and family to help

For the knowledge and hurricanes and effects there isnt much exclusive to my venture however this information will play a huge role in to what preparations to make and possible effects levels on my customers. The familiarity of customer base in my area is pretty exclusive and special as I was born around here and know the type of people that love around here. As my venture possibly expands I will need to do more research into customers of other areas. The knowledge and tools to prepare for the storm is by no means rare but is very valuable as far as my venture plans go, it is a main part of the services that I provide. The contacts in my area are probably one of the most valuable and inimitable resources I have available to me and my venture. This is the whole basis or my venture and pretty exclusive to me and my venture itself. I have intel into the are that is not available to many others and that is what sets me apart. Before storms I have stockpiles of relief which help me in my plan to execute as quickly and thoroughly as possible. The contacts I have made are very valuable as the allow me to get better deals and learn more specifics about the individuals I am marketing to. The knowledge and ability to save peoples houses is a great and  valuable ability tome and my business. Through the work I have previously done I am able to bankroll that into new ventures and further build and snowball my business. My employees and family are willing to lend a hand whenever necessary so that is another resource that sets my venture apart from my competitors.

The most important resource to my venture is my knowledge of local resident sand their housing situation. This is vital to my business because it allows me to cater specifically to their income and residence levels to provide the most amount of help while maximizing profits.


  1. Hey Emory, It seems like you have a great advantage with your idea! Having a good amount of knowledge about with customer aid and familiarity with weather conditions such as this in general will definitely give you a great advantage. As well your contacts will serve to be your most important upper hand with your idea. With any business connections are number 1 when holding an upper hand over someone else who is as equally qualified. You did a great job explaining your unfair advantage.

  2. Hi Emory, I think you did a great job with this post. It seems like you know a lot about the weather conditions and the people in your area will which give you a great competitive advantage. I agree that your most important resource is your knowledge of local resident sand their housing situation. Overall good job on this post!
