Friday, November 30, 2018

26A Celebrating Failure

One time this past semester I failed was on my first big test of my UF career. While I did not exactly fail my first intermediate economics test of the semester I definitely did not do as well as I thought. I felt comfortable with the material and ready for the test but boy was I wrong. I did all the preparation materials and practice problems but it wasn't enough. Being the first of my tests for the semester didn't help the fact either. I learned from this experience that even if you think you are ready you are probably not, going into future tests I made sure I could do the problems forwards, backwards and with my eyes closed. The more comfortable you are with the material the better the end result is. Failure is inevitable in life and especially in ventures where the future is unknown. But on the bright side the way you learn the best and the most is when you go and do it, whether the outcome is good or bad. This class has made me realize that failure is inevitable in life and especially when starting a business, to make the best of it you learn as much as possible and learn from those failures so that moving forward you are able to minimize the number of failures.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Emory, I'm sorry to hear you didn't do well on your first test at UF. I've done poorly on tests before after thinking I knew the material and was going to earn an A, it is a devastating feeling. I agree with you though that failure is a part of learning, and you learned that you now need to study harder for the exams. I also agree that failure is inevitable and I believe that failure is an important part of life so you can learn from your mistakes and be a better more understanding person.
