Friday, October 26, 2018

18A Create a Customer Avatar

The prototypical customers I have identified so far and have done the most observing/interviewing of were my neighbors and people in the town of Suwannee. This is a small weekender fishing town on the gulf coast where the Suwannee river meets the Gulf of Mexico. The main hobbies of my potential customers would be fishing, hanging out and golf. Most tend to drive trucks or large sums used to pull their boats or other toys around. Their hobbies directly relate into why I appeal to them as I can provide a service to potentially save their river house from disaster and in the event they are affected I can provide relief to them. Most of the time they watch fishing, football or other sports channels on the tv. Some of the have later teen kids while others have kids who have graduated college and starting families of their own. That being said potential clients range from 30 to 70 years of age and they are all fairly active as they enjoy to be out and about. The places where I provide the service to them are where they go to get away and relax on the weekends.

With my customers I share the love for fishing and the outdoors along with the fact that I have a residence in the town of Suwannee. Our similarities are not a coincidence as that is what brought us together, without the common interest we never would have met up in this small town in pursuit of fish and a good time.

Attached are some pictures of what my neighbors and I faced in both the beginning and aftermath of some of the hurricanes to move through the area.

1 comment:

  1. Emory,
    It's so cool that you you are from the Suwannee, my family takes river trips there all the time. I think that providing relief to these people would be so helpful and really hit home for them and you because they know you.
