Friday, October 19, 2018

15A Figuring out Buyer Behavior No. 2

For this section in interviewed three more people who were directly affected by storms in the past, two middle aged and one older gentleman. I explained my idea and business to them and then took their feedback and advice. In their times of need they set out themselves to fix their problems much like why my service would be providing. They were faced with the tasks of storm preparation and recovery all by themselves and said if a service like this had existed they would have definitely been interested.

The alternative of my idea is basically what they all did themselves. They set out with groups of friends and neighbors in order to clean their properties up after the storm came through and took turns running to get supplies from the outside world. Closer neighbors came down in the final days before the storm hit and checked on houses and everything both for themselves and the neighbors who were farther away and unable to make it to their houses in time.

Price definitely plays a role in alternatives to my business, family or friends may work for free or a simple thank you but that doesn't keep the lights on as they say. People may be drawn to the family and friend approach but not everyone has that option. The quality of work executed by family an fiends and yourself being there to oversee it may be different but my quality is certainly high and aim to provide services higher than family or friends can offer. Some people are certainly the I want to be there and do it myself kind of people, and in that case I would not be selling my service to those people. All of these factors together weigh in to a consumers choice on whether or not to enlist my services. Local availability and distance from their main residence to the storm affected residence plays the largest role in my customer basis.

My customers are reached through local advertisement or even online but the services are performed in person. My segment is in cash or check payments no need to finance my services. My service isnt sold in stores as it is a local and seasonal type of business.

My customers are most worried about saving their homes and valuable belongings from terrible storms and I am a way they can increase their chances of doing so. I also remove some stress from the post storm processes as well. They think the purchase was worth it when it is shown of how my service aided them in damage prevention and post storm recovery.

As I learned from my interviews my business definitely has promise but they brought up some valid points, it is a very seasonal and dependent business and could easily face rough patches and it is hard to build up a good customer base because no one really wants my help because that means there is something bad on the horizon. My services have a negative connotation due to the fact that  when I come around there is a storm coming as well. These interviews greatly helped me see the possible problems I could face if this was put into reality.

There is a definite tough choice for my customers in terms of whether or not they should enlist my services as some times they may not be needed if the storm turns or such, it is a tough choice but it is better to be safe than sorry. After the purchase they will either be really happy that I was able to present potential losses to their property or potentially mad as they bought my services and the storm changed track or decreased in strength.


  1. Hi Emory, I think that you have a great idea that will help thousands of people during and after the potentially devastating storms. Based on your post I can see that you have gathered valuable information on what the customer might be interested in for your business. Even though the storms may change your service is still so beneficial to people who are trying to protect their homes. Great job!

  2. Hey Emory, I believe you put a lot of work and effort into this assignment. It was perfectly done, as to say you have gained some explicit knowledge and insight about your business idea and that is really all that matters. IF you are really interested in turning your idea into a business i will say you will help thousands but this business will require a lot of your time and dedication as the CEO.

  3. Hi Emory, I think you did a great job with this assignment and reflected well on your interviews. You put in a lot of effort to really get down to how your business could succeed and also realized the issues that come with your business idea. I agree that it will be a tough choice for customers to decided whether or not your business idea could be helpful for them, in the event that storms are very unpredictable, but like you said it's better to be safe than sorry so I feel your business idea could definitely be successful!

  4. I think that the people that you interviewed all seemed to be valid points. They mention how it’s a very seasonal thing which I agree with. They alternative to what you are offering is not as good because they would have to rely on themselves and they might not be able to do it as well as the service that you are offering.
