Friday, October 12, 2018

14A Halfway Reflection

1) In order to keep up in this class I have set aside time every week in order to do these assignments so I am not rushing at the last minute to do them. This class isn't hard per say you just have to take on the work with an open mind and positive attitude.

2)Many Fridays for this class I feel like skipping assignments in this class but I remember I need to do them in order to do well and it won't hurt to save up those points for later in the semester so I can use that time to study for other exams or just take it easy. The assignments are never that hard they just take time and I often find myself getting distracted while doing them. Sometimes I have to put my phone in another room in order to focus on the assignments and get them done. Past experiences and the stress free end of the semesters in the past tell me that it is better to have those points stockpiled away so you don't have to count every point at the end of the semester an beg for extra credit.

3)To a future student I would say to set aside a solid time each week so its a habit to do the work, watch the lectures as soon as they are released and build up all the points you can in the beginning of the semester.



  1. Being open-minded about these assignments is definitely a key towards success in this class. You can't attempt to complete these assignments with a negative attitude or else it'll take you forever to do so. I relate to your feelings about possibly skipping assignments but that should not be the case. It's upon us students to put our best effort in when viewing and doing the assignments.

  2. Hi Emory! I am with you on the phone distraction. It is so tempting sometimes to just scroll though social media that it can be hard to stay focused. I have also had to put my phone in another room in order to have some self control. I also liked your advice about watching the lectures as soon as possible. It could be easy to get behind on those so it is really a smart idea to stay on track with them.

  3. I definitely agree that it is hard to get all of the assignments done. All the distractions that surround us make it hard to complete the assignments. Finding motivation is always a struggle, but at the end of the day following through is more important. I liked the tips that you gave because they definitely would help someone that is just starting out with the class.
